From March 13 to 17, 2022, the International Business and Economic Development Center hosted the fourth transboundary project meeting and Stakeholders Forum on the Invasive Alien Species Observatory and Network development for assessing climate change impacts in the protected areas of the Black Sea delta. The event gathered project partners from various locations, who participated either in-person or online.

The primary objective of the event was to bring together all project partners to review and evaluate the project’s progress, discuss upcoming activities, and assess the overall project progress. The event included presentations by each project team, highlighting their actions and progress, allowing the participants to exchange ideas and provide feedback, which contributed to assessing and improving the project’s overall progress.

Additionally, students from Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University presented essays on invasive alien species in the Kolkheti and Chorokhi protected areas, providing valuable insights into the challenges and impacts of invasive species in the region. Moreover, a one-day field trip study at Batumi Botanical Garden provided a unique learning opportunity for the participants to observe the local flora and fauna and gain a deeper understanding of the importance of preserving natural habitats.
The partner’s meeting and stakeholder forum achieved their goals of promoting collaboration among the partners, knowledge-sharing, and advancing the project’s objectives. The discussions and presentations during the meeting emphasized the importance of transboundary cooperation in addressing invasive alien species and climate change impacts in protected areas.

In conclusion, the fourth transboundary project meeting and Stakeholders Forum on the Invasive Alien Species Observatory and Network development project provided an excellent opportunity for all project partners and relevant stakeholders to review and evaluate the project’s progress, share experiences, and knowledge, and advance the project’s objectives. The event highlighted the importance of transboundary cooperation in addressing invasive alien species and climate change impacts, stressing the need for continued collaboration to protect the natural habitats of the Black Sea deltaic protected areas.