The Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development

The Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development (DDNI) was established in 1970 and its main objective is conducting fundamental and applied research for scientific support of the management of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR) and other wetland areas of national and international interest, with particular focus on biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

Due to its expertise and contribution to the local, regional and national research and development programmes, DDNI has been nominated as:

  • Centre of Excellence for Deltas & Wetlands;
  • National Reference Centre for Land Cover and Fisheries;
  • Main Scientific Advisor of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development for the implementation of the NATURA 2000 Network in Romania;
  • Centre of Technological Information for the Danube Delta of the National Authority for Scientific Research.

The relevance of DDNI’s research activities for local, regional, national and international environmental issues is sustained by the Danube Delta’s protection status and the international Conventions and Programmes adopted by Romania.

Role and responsibility in the IASON project:

  • DDNI will be the Lead Partner therefore its role in the project will be central.
  • DDNI will have full responsibility in the coordination of the Project Management Activities during the overall period of the implementation of the IASON project.

Additionally, DDNI has long experience in the scientific and management sector, especially in climate change adapted management, transnational cooperation and monitoring of habitats and species in the Danube Delta. Since the Danube Delta is the most important, in terms of size, biodiversity and location and also part of the Natura 2000 network, it has been very well studied and DDNI holds a great experience in deltaic ecosystem issues.


Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority was created to administrate the natural heritage of national interest of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, to protect and conserve the physical and geographical units of the DDBR territory and it has also the prerogatives of an environmental protection authority.

According to the Law No. 82/1993 subsequently completed and modified, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority is a public institution, subordinated to the Romanian Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests.

The main objectives of the DDBRA for the management of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve are:
• Conservation and protection of the existing natural heritage
• Encouragement of sustainable use of the natural resources
• Provision of support, based on the results of research, for management, education, training and services

The elaboration of the Management Plan is based on the experience gained from the management of this protected area. The Management Plan consists of objectives and measures organized in a program of planned actions which will be a working instrument for both of the DDBRA and for those who wish to carry out activities within the DDBR territory.

By being an environmental authority over the entire reserve territory the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority ensures that the economic and social activities are carried out according to the rules of protecting the environment and without having a human impact on the natural ecosystems of the delta.

The Integrated Monitoring Program of the biosphere reserve has 3 well defined purposes:
• to provide information for the scientific community, administration and politics, as a result of the research activity in physics, biology and social sciences;
• to support the systematic exchanges of scientific information;
• to support the integrated monitoring of the biosphere reserve, especially concerning the global changes, biological diversity, ecosystems management, human impact and sustainable development.

From the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, several institutions with scientific and monitoring activities extract data and information, cooperation being necessary due to the complexity of this work. Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority benefits from this database and uses the information as support in the decision making process concerning the natural heritage of the area. The monitoring activity complies with the Integrated Monitoring System for the Environment in Romania and the objectives of the Management Plan for the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.

The monitoring system identifies and measures the state variables of the structure and functions of the Danube Delta ecosystems and the factors that affect their ecological integrity, in order to prevent their effects through corresponding management measures.


The activity of the institute is carried out in accordance with the main scientific directions, perspective and annual plans of research and applied works, approved by the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine.

IMB NAS of Ukraine organizes, conducts and coordinates basic and applied research in the field of biological and natural sciences in order to obtain new scientific knowledge on the biology and ecology of the shelf and coastal reservoirs (deltas, estuaries, estuaries, estuaries, lagoons) and their use for practical purposes (protection and reproduction of natural resources, rational use of nature, preservation and protection of marine and freshwater environments, promotion of scientific and technological progress, socio-economic and spiritual development of society) in accordance with the following main scientific activities of the Institute:

  • fundamental bases of structural and functional organization of marine ecosystems, estuaries and estuarine areas in the conditions of climate change and anthropogenic load;
  • development of scientific bases for monitoring of marine ecosystems, quality management of the marine environment and ecological management;
  • biological diversity and assessment of the bioresource potential of the Azov-Black Sea basin, substantiation of methodological aspects of the formation of the marine ecological network of Ukraine.

Among the main tasks of the institute are also:

  • Provision of scientific and technical services within the framework of certain scientific activities of the Institute.
  • Carrying out of scientific and scientific and technical examination within the limits of the certain scientific directions of activity of Institute.
  • Training of scientific personnel of the highest qualification through postgraduate studies, doctoral studies.
  • Ensuring high quality of scientific research, systematic accumulation and generalization of scientific results, creation of conditions for realization of creative possibilities of scientific collective and social protection of workers.
  • Development of scientific bases for conducting ecological monitoring and providing conditions for solving problems related to the protection and reproduction of aquatic biodiversity at the most modern scientific level.
  • Rationale for the creation (or change of conservation status) and study of the peculiarities of the functioning of marine protected areas in a transformed environment, the establishment of the optimal level of anthropogenic pressure in these areas.
  • Forecasting changes in aquatic ecosystems under conditions of anthropogenic pressure.
  • Carrying out of ecological examination of a condition of water objects.
  • Informing the general public about the results of their activities.
  • Preservation and development of scientific infrastructure.
  • Implementation of cultural and educational work in the field of protection of water bodies (seas, deltas and estuaries), reproduction of natural resources by aquaculture and hydrobiological reclamation, tourism business.
  • Bringing scientific and scientific and technical knowledge to the stage of practical use.
  • Promoting the innovative development of the state.


The Department of Forestry & Natural Environment is based in Drama and belongs to the School of Geotechnical Sciences of DI.PA.E.

The Department is one of the most dynamic and productive departments of the Foundation with state-of-the-art facilities and laboratory-research equipment, housed in a new privately owned building with a net area of 4,500 sq.m. and is directly connected to the labor market and businesses. Members of its Teaching and Research Staff (Faculty) have been distinguished internationally and in innovative technological activities.

The training provided by the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment, as it emerges through the innovative and dynamic curriculum, is one of the best at European level as it provides not only a multilevel knowledge in a variety of subjects but, and this is important, updated knowledge in areas that will be tomorrow’s challenges and needs for the forester. Thus, in the Department of Forestry & Natural Environment, we designed and structured a curriculum that includes the most modern developments in Forest Science ( breakthrough technologies ) and is built on the combination of fields of knowledge: (j) Ecology & Biodiversity Conservation, (ii) Management, Protection of Natural Resources & Climate Change and (iii) Architecture & Landscape Restoration. The Department therefore focuses its interests on the sustainable development and reusable management of forest resources and mountainous area, the study of fauna and flora, ecosystems and the general natural environment, the protection and promotion of nature and natural processes for providing ecosystem services to human societies, preserving, highlighting and shaping the urban and suburban landscape based on defined social, economic and developmental standards but also tackling hydrological and meteorological disasters with simultaneous protection from strong natural phenomena related to nature.

The Department of Forestry and Natural Environment of DI.PA.E. having reached today a course of academic integration, invites all young people who are interested and anxious for the personal and collective future to choose our Department. A dynamic Department, with modern facilities and infrastructure, which can give many opportunities and prospects to young people to study in Drama, a beautiful green provincial town, friendly and economical, in an ideal academic environment, with crystal clear spaces. And the main thing: with studies on an attractive, modern and green subject, our precious Environment , the wonderful Forest and the beautiful Landscape .


Established 1955, Karadeniz Technical University (KTU), is an institution where teaching and research are closely integrated with modern infrastructure, modern laboratories and good field work opportunities. KTU has high academic research personnel conducting high numbers of national and international projects on various fields carried out by both in-house personnel and in cooperation with industry, public and government authorities. Among 17 faculties of KTU, Faculty Marine Sciences (MSF) covers almost all the aspects relating to Marine Sciences and technology including Fisheries Technology, Aquaculture, Ship design and construction, Marine transportation and management, and maritime business administration. FMS has established a close link with industry by providing practical knowledge to solve their problems via collaborative projects/training courses and educating engineers.

Marine Sciences Faculty has been contacting various national and international research projects on this field since its establishment. It also takes role in undergraduate and post graduate education on fisheries technology, marine sciences, ship architecture, and deck management. In the faculty, marine sciences are handled in many ways such as marine biology, fisheries aquaculture and pollution. Faculty is the partner of several EU networking, frameworks 6 and 7, and cross border projects for the Black Sea Basin. It has two research vessels, experimental aquaculture unit and many laboratories (e.g. biology, chemistry, water pollution, genetics, fish processing).

Faculty has aimed to be more active to solve problems related to the Black Sea, try to increase the research area within the EEZ of Turkey and cooperation with the research institutions in the riparian countries and European institutions.


IBEDC promotes International Cooperation and partnership for stakeholders on every level. IBEDC’s mission is direct the effort to protect common interest of the Business Community with aiming to improve Business environment and climate of competitiveness in Georgia, encouraging the Business sector and Entrepreneurship. IBEDC assists and advises its members on all questions relating to setting up and doing business in Georgia and abroad, through building business links, solving market access difficulties and overcoming regulatory obstacles.

It also provides with information on investment related regulations and can assist with liaison between the Government of Georgia, International Institutions and Organizations and EU Member States. IBEDC is consists of well-educated and experienced professionals with high competency and expertise related to business development, entrepreneurship, environment protection, waste management etc.

Beside of membership and involvement abovementioned platform and coalition, there is experience on the engagement of various International and regional framework programs, while they have been beneficiary of East-Invest I and II regional programs.
